Sirens 2015 Reading Challenge

For the last three years, I’ve attended Sirens, an interdisciplinary conference dedicated to women in fantasy literature. In 2015, the conference will be held in Denver, from October 8-11, with the theme of “rebels and revolutionaries.” If you know me and what I like to read, you will understand why I am really excited about this year’s theme.

Every year the conference organizers develop a reading list for staff, and this year, they’ve adapted that reading list into a reading challenge. I do love a good reading challenge!

(Please ignore how far behind I am on my Goodreads challenge this year.)

Here’s the list, with challenge instructions, copied-and-pasted from the Sirens website. I’ve included some annotations on what I’ve already read and what was already in my figurative to-read stack. You’ll notice that I have a habit of leaving books half-finished these days. Purchase links below go to The Tattered Cover and help support the conference. [ETA: Hat tip to starlady, since I first saw the challenge when she posted about it on her blog.]

Sirens 2015 Reading Challenge

In each required category, you must read—or have previously read—each work listed. In each category of selections, you must select books by authors who are new to you. If you cannot reach the required number of selections without selecting authors you have already read, you may select works you haven’t read by authors you have read before. If you cannot reach the required number of selections without selecting books you’ve read, bravo, and please read as many new-to-you books as you can to complete the challenge.

Guests of Honor: Required

Rebels and Revolutionaries: Required

Rebels and Revolutionaries: Select Five

Middle Grade/Young Adult: Select Five

Adult: Select Five

By Joy on March 4, 2015 · Posted in Conferences, SF&F Books

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